Why do I say that? How pessimistic of me! The reason is this:
Some internet marketers, themselves, are giving the industry a bad name.
I've unsubscribed from more lists than I can count already this year. There were even some marketers that I thought were beyond reproach. But when they turned from giving advice to ALWAYS promoting a launch to their members, I threw in the towel.
Yes, I know the economy is bad. I know everyone has to make money. But, come on! Every email was the same. Telling me that THIS product was all I'd need to make money online. Then a week later, they were back on another bandwagon, telling me THIS one was it! So which is it, dear internet marketer?
Who and what should I believe? You're driving me to drink!
I believe the worse thing I've seen are the products that were dusted off from many years ago, repackaged to look pretty and put on the market, again. Then they have the nerve to tell us that this product is NEVER BEFORE SEEN! Ha!
And, I'll tell you another thing that drives me up the wall. It's where the scammers tell you you'll make a gazillion dollars overnight without hardly doing any work at all.
OKAY. Maybe internet marketing is easy for some. Not for me, it isn't. And not for a lot of others.
Another thing, it takes WORK! That's why it's called work! Like in, "Work from Home". Not, Do nothing at home and watch the money roll in! If that was the case, everyone would be way above the poverty line.
Forgive my rant, but I'm depressed over what I see taking place in the online world. So many of us are so easily taken in by dishonest people. And you know they are laughing all the way to their banks.
So if you are one of those people who are looking at ways to make money online, please be careful. Check around. Do research. If it's in your blood, nothing can stop you. And that's a good thing because there will be times you'll want to hit the wall with your monitor. (Don't do that. Just walk away)
There ARE good people out there with good products. Products that will teach you how to make money at home. You will need to put the work in. It will not happen overnight. But if you stick with it and ignore the noise, you will find yourself learning and seeing money start to come in.
Those banners you see on the side are from marketers I trust. No, they aren't the only ones but it's a start. Thank you for reading!