Making money online can be a savior to many needing
to earn extra money. Along with your day job, the
pay check can usually use an extra boost in these
challenging times.
Many will go searching online for the latest and
greatest new thing. But the first thing you have to
do is think of what it is that YOU like.
You won't stick with anything if it doesn't ring
true to your soul. How long do you want to work
at something that causes frustration?
You will become burnt-out. Your health will suffer.
Your moods will be all over the place. You won't
sleep. Drinking Red Bull while you're facing the
computer screen at all hours of the night is no way
to live.
If you try to work with a sense of desperation,
you'll only hurt yourself in the long run. So if
making money online interests you, take some
time to focus on your likes and dislikes.
Take time to do your research. Explore all options.
Just because so-and-so is bragging about a certain
way of doing business, ask yourself, "Is this something
I'd enjoy doing?"
If it isn't, they can go pound sand. If the idea of
creating your own product to sell online leaves
you with a bad taste in your mouth, it's not for you.
If affiliate marketing leaves you cold, don't try it.
Take your time. Maybe your way of making money
has nothing to do with an online business. Only
if you think and research, will you find the answer
that is deep in your soul.
Sometimes, all it takes is to get quiet, away from
distractions and ask yourself the questions. Often,
they will bubble up to the surface.
I'm a firm believer in the fact that we have the
answers even as children as to what we are meant
to do.
Good luck!