There are changes happening that cause me to pump my fist in the air. First, Google has implemented another major upheaval. Many marketers are angry and complaining that their sites have fallen out of favor with the search engine.
What it all boils down to is one word. QUALITY. The websites who provide you with spammed content will fall in rank. Websites that are just put up so you'll click on their Adsense ads won't fair much better.
Well, that makes me happy. When I go online searching for information or looking to buy something, I want to land on a webpage that can give me what I want to know. In-depth information. Not peppered with a bunch of little ads that annoy the heck out of me.
If I'm planning to buy something that will teach me something or to help me do something better, I don't want it to be at a website promoting an internet scammer. Selling outdated and useless information. Just to make money off of us.
The other change is that people on the internet are finally starting to speak up against the dishonest, hype-filled promises made to us by shady marketers. And us little people are listening and voting with our wallets. If you're dishonest, we will not buy your product. And thanks to the ones out there who are slowly but surely withdrawing their support from these people.
Understand, it's not just a matter of them backing away from their old "friends". They stand to lose a lot of money in the process. So what happened? Conscience ruled! They just couldn't do the "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" way of doing business that the "gurus" love to do. With all their "launches".
I applaud these people. The times they are-a changing. And it's about time. Yes, money can be made online. It will take more than clicking a couple of buttons. It will actually take work. Just like any business or workplace. But if you learn from the right people and live an honest existence, all will work out in the end.