Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Make Money At Home As An Amazon Associate: Learn How From This Guy!

Most Annoying Video You'll Ever See!

I watched the hoopla but I waited to check him out.
And I grew very impressed with this guy. His name
is Dan Brock. I was also wrong about him. At first.

I thought he was one of the typical marketers who
just want your money. Then as I watched, I couldn't
believe how downright helpful he is to someone
wanting to learn how to be successful in making
money online.

We often overlook physical products because the
commission is lower. But if you think about it,
many are making a lot more this way than with
the bigger commissions.

Really! Totally Annoying!

Dan Brock literally takes you by the hand and shows
you step-by-step how to do what he does. Not many
internet marketers would dare do that. So pay
attention. He knows what he's talking about. And
he is a super affiliate.

OK, that said, I don't like his video. Yawning, like
he's a total deadbeat. This guy is no deadbeat. So
even if his video makes me want to reach through
the monitor and tip him off his chair, I can live with

Especially when he gives us the goods! Check out
his annoying video right now...

But You WILL Become A Successful Affiliate!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Make Money At Home By Becoming Successful With Affiliate Marketing! Step By Step Will Teach You How!

How To Become A Successful Amazon Associate!

I debated for awhile about this new product. I like to
linger in the background and see how things are going.
To see if customers are happy and satisfied with their

Then I like to check in with internet marketers. I should
clarify that point. I only listen to the ones who have earned
my respect. (those numbers have dwindled in this past
month but that's another story)

You can hold up your hand and count the number of
marketers I hold in high regard. When they gave a thumbs-up
to this product, I decided to put it on here.

The customers are raving about this! Imagine...A product
that actually does what it claims to do!

And that is take you step-by-step through the process of
becoming an Amazon affiliate marketer.

But if you click on this link and watch the video....ok,
there's a cringe factor happening for me here. Why?
I hate how he opens his introduction!! I want to reach out
and smack him and shove him off his chair!!! (laughter)

Some people love what he does but don't let him fool you.
This guy is no deadbeat! I was on a webinar the other night
with him and he delivers! You don't do that while lying in
bed all day!

Another thing I would like to warn you about. He does have
other things you can buy if you want to advance at a more
rapid pace. BUT! You DO NOT need these other services in
order to become successful at affiliate marketing!

Everything you need can be found in the first offer! OK?

So have a look. And smack him for me!
How To Be A Successful Amazon Associate!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Make Money At Home: Let Me Count The Ways!

Making money from home is the dream for countless
people. I don't have to list the reasons why we all want
to be able to have our own home based business. Each
person has their own reasons...

Can it be done? Absolutely! And there are so many ways
to be able to make money at home. It will take time to find
which is right for you.

You will want to do research. Lots of it. You will have
to sort out the lies. And the scams. Yes, you will run
into both as you do your online search to find the business
that will be right for you.

Maybe you have your own product you'd like to offer.
Perhaps you don't want the hassle of dealing with the
headaches and you want to promote other people's

Affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to make money
online. This can be done by promoting digital products
like eBooks and software from ClickBank. Or you can
promote physical products like the ones found on

And NO, these are not the only games in town. There
are countless companies with affiliate programs. Who will
pay you for referring a sale to them.

There are even companies who will pay you if the consumer
just performs an "action", like filling out a form or even
giving the company their email address. This is called
CPA affiliate marketing. It just means cost-per-action.

You'll want to do a search for "affiliate programs" and
"affiliate networks". Don't fall over when you see just
how many there are! See? So many ways out there for you to
make money at home!

Don't give up. And remember. Whatever you choose to do
will take work. Don't fall for the false promises of some
shysters who promise you will make a million dollars before
you take your dog for his morning walk.

Everything in life takes time. And work. Sometimes even
blood, sweat and tears. But, if you really want to
make money at home, you can find the means to do it.

Good luck!

Monday, November 15, 2010

CPA Affiliate Marketing: Where You Don't Even Sell Anything!

Something is bugging me again. I like good
products. I buy good products. And I learn
a lot from the good information on making
money at home with internet marketing.

That being said, I CANNOT stand HYPE!
I know the marketers think everyone expects
to see the sizzle. To be gobsmacked by their

But remember this. Everyone is different.
Everyone of us works differently and for
different hours. So we all have our own
individual results.

I love the CPA product. However, I wish
the claim of making over $100,000.00 in
30 days wasn't on the banner. Please ignore

I have no doubt that there are CPA affiliate
marketers out there you do make that kind of
money. But they've been doing this for a very
long time.

If you think it is going to happen for you and
me, forgedaboutid! We're just starting. If you
don't realize that everything takes work and
time to see results, do not buy anything on this

Thank you. Thankyouverymuch!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Make Money Online With CPA Affiliate Marketing + A Rant

This past week I've been doing a lot of thinking.
I've unsubscribed from many internet marketing
newsletters. Some I've been with for 4 years.

So what happened? I grew fed up! That's what.

If you are on any of these "gurus" list, you're
probably feeling the same way. It seems everyday
now there is some so-called major launch of the
greatest way to make money online, EVER!

You know the names. Guru A launches his
product. The one where you will make a gazillion
dollars in under 2 months. Guaranteed!

All the other gurus are promoting Guru A's product,
of course. Why not? They make tons of money.
Then when they launch a product, their backs get
scratched too.

Two days later, Guru B launches his product.
Well guess what? This is the be-all and end-all
product of all time. You will never have to buy
another information product in order to become
a billionaire. Nosiree, bob.

Eh, I was told by the 10 top internet marketers
that Guru A had the best way to make money online.
Now it's Guru B. And they are all saying the same

But wait, here's the thing. If you buy the one and
only for say, $77, there's a little problem. They
can't put all their secrets in one download. NO!
Now they want to upsell you.

I literally had to go out and buy Gravol last week.
So now I'm not buying any more of these guru's
products. And I'm not promoting them either.

So I went back to the drawing board, you could
say. My mission was to find honest internet marketers.
Yes, they are out there.

You can make money online. But you have to
work at it. Don't get caught up in their games.
They are laughing at us. All the way to the bank.

I'll stick with affiliate marketing. I love it and it's
a solid way to make money online. But there are
many ways to do affiliate marketing. I've been

I don't need those so-called "gurus" anymore.
I'll give my money to internet marketers who want
and do help people. Then I'll go about working.
The old-fashioned way.

CPA affiliate marketing is a great way to earn
money. I've never given it a lot of thought before.
Being all seduced by Guru A through Z.

But since their spell over me has been broken,
I have time to think for myself and not what's good
for them. (herein ends my rant)

So back to CPA affiliate marketing. You get paid
when people take an ACTION.

CPA stands for Cost-Per-Action. Basically this means you
get paid by advertisers for a specified action the consumer

This action could be a sale, a form submission, etc.
Sometimes only an email address is required for you to
get paid.

Since it makes good business sense not to put all your
eggs in one basket, branching out into other areas of
affiliate marketing can help grow and sustain a stable,
long-term internet marketing business.

Listen to what this man has to teach you...


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Making Money At Home: ClickBank Cash Grenade Is Here

Ever since I first got online and was interested in learning
from honest internet marketers, Jeremy and Simon were
two I always paid attention to.

I've been online for awhile and these two have proven
themselves over and over. Never a misstep. They are
held in high regard by their peers.

Now they figure it's time to go back to the basics of
affiliate marketing. And I couldn't agree more!

They have come out with their very exciting new
product, CB Cash Grenade! Take a look at what they
have to say...Click on the explosive banner on the right!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Affiliate Marketing: The Coming Weeks Will Explode In Sales

If you are an affiliate marketer, the coming weeks
are the most exciting time of the whole year.

All marketers are in a frenzy. The weeks leading
up to Christmas are the most exciting and profitable
times of the year.

Millions are being spent on Christmas shopping.
And the best news is the fact that the big bucks
are being spent online!

Consumers are sick and tired of shopping at the
malls. They need to spend their time wisely.

Why shouldn't you be part of the exploding
sales? You can provide the products these
consumers are looking for.

Forget trying to be an affiliate marketer trying
to sell digital products. Give them what they want.

Physical products! If you need a blueprint on how
to do just that, you want to check out what this
marketer can teach you.

Craig Kay's Info Product Killer is just the
solution you need to take you to the next level
of making money at home.

Make Money At Home Giving Consumers What They Are Looking For!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Make Money At Home By Becoming A Blogger With Heart--Not Hype

Ok, I have to explain some things...

Bloggers Payday has just launched!

First...I love blogging. And I love anything
that can teach me about becoming a better

That's why I've added this product to my
page. It was just released today. And, it's
already exploding all over the place.

All the big-name guru internet marketers
are hyping it up and promoting to their lists.

(I'm not a guru. I'm a little guy. A learner.
Making a little money...)

Well, that's what disturbs me. And why I
debated adding it on here.

You see, I find the whole sales pitch just
that. Too much hype. If you have a good
product, I don't think you have to sound
that way.

When you click on the banner, you'll see
what I mean. I for one, do NOT believe you,
me or most anyone else is going to be able
to quit their day job in the amount of time
talked about on the video.

There are no get-rich-quick methods. Everything
takes time. And work.

So keep that in mind. Yes, the information is
sound. But you don't need to take the hype to

I don't know. Maybe everyone expects the
sizzle to the sell nowadays. For me, I just want
to know about the product and what it can
teach me.

Dazzle me with information. Turn me on with
knowledge. Don't try to make me believe in
genies jumping out of bottles...

Just teach us how to make money at home
by blogging!