Ok, I have to explain some things...
Bloggers Payday has just launched!
First...I love blogging. And I love anything
that can teach me about becoming a better
That's why I've added this product to my
page. It was just released today. And, it's
already exploding all over the place.
All the big-name guru internet marketers
are hyping it up and promoting to their lists.
(I'm not a guru. I'm a little guy. A learner.
Making a little money...)
Well, that's what disturbs me. And why I
debated adding it on here.
You see, I find the whole sales pitch just
that. Too much hype. If you have a good
product, I don't think you have to sound
that way.
When you click on the banner, you'll see
what I mean. I for one, do NOT believe you,
me or most anyone else is going to be able
to quit their day job in the amount of time
talked about on the video.
There are no get-rich-quick methods. Everything
takes time. And work.
So keep that in mind. Yes, the information is
sound. But you don't need to take the hype to
I don't know. Maybe everyone expects the
sizzle to the sell nowadays. For me, I just want
to know about the product and what it can
teach me.
Dazzle me with information. Turn me on with
knowledge. Don't try to make me believe in
genies jumping out of bottles...
Just teach us how to make money at home
by blogging!