This past week I've been doing a lot of thinking.
I've unsubscribed from many internet marketing
newsletters. Some I've been with for 4 years.
So what happened? I grew fed up! That's what.
If you are on any of these "gurus" list, you're
probably feeling the same way. It seems everyday
now there is some so-called major launch of the
greatest way to make money online, EVER!
You know the names. Guru A launches his
product. The one where you will make a gazillion
dollars in under 2 months. Guaranteed!
All the other gurus are promoting Guru A's product,
of course. Why not? They make tons of money.
Then when they launch a product, their backs get
scratched too.
Two days later, Guru B launches his product.
Well guess what? This is the be-all and end-all
product of all time. You will never have to buy
another information product in order to become
a billionaire. Nosiree, bob.
Eh, I was told by the 10 top internet marketers
that Guru A had the best way to make money online.
Now it's Guru B. And they are all saying the same
But wait, here's the thing. If you buy the one and
only for say, $77, there's a little problem. They
can't put all their secrets in one download. NO!
Now they want to upsell you.
I literally had to go out and buy Gravol last week.
So now I'm not buying any more of these guru's
products. And I'm not promoting them either.
So I went back to the drawing board, you could
say. My mission was to find honest internet marketers.
Yes, they are out there.
You can make money online. But you have to
work at it. Don't get caught up in their games.
They are laughing at us. All the way to the bank.
I'll stick with affiliate marketing. I love it and it's
a solid way to make money online. But there are
many ways to do affiliate marketing. I've been
I don't need those so-called "gurus" anymore.
I'll give my money to internet marketers who want
and do help people. Then I'll go about working.
The old-fashioned way.
CPA affiliate marketing is a great way to earn
money. I've never given it a lot of thought before.
Being all seduced by Guru A through Z.
But since their spell over me has been broken,
I have time to think for myself and not what's good
for them. (herein ends my rant)
So back to CPA affiliate marketing. You get paid
when people take an ACTION.
CPA stands for Cost-Per-Action. Basically this means you
get paid by advertisers for a specified action the consumer
This action could be a sale, a form submission, etc.
Sometimes only an email address is required for you to
get paid.
Since it makes good business sense not to put all your
eggs in one basket, branching out into other areas of
affiliate marketing can help grow and sustain a stable,
long-term internet marketing business.
Listen to what this man has to teach you...